Friday, June 19, 2015

10. Internal Scientific Paper Competition

Posted by Unknown at 12:02 AM 0 comments

My school started the holiday from June, 15th 2015. But, strangely my extracurriculair club, KIR Cakra,  held an Internal Scientific Journal Competition in SMA Negeri 2 Madiun on that day. My club was just so damn unlucky. First, we have a really skeptic leader, and the second one is the club has already gotten the fund on holiday.

In KIR Cakra, I have a position as a public relation. But, on this year I do nothing 'cause it is time for the 10th generation to do the job then me and my friends as the 9th generation and the senior just try to control them.

Even the competition was held when the school day off from 12 teams just 2 teams that couldn't attend to this event.

Yeah, these are photos of the committee of SMAN 2 Madiun Internal Scientific Paper Competition 2014/2015.

Okay, see ya!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

9. Happy Ramadhan

Posted by Unknown at 11:06 PM 1 comments

Marhaban Yaa Ramadhan

Happy Ramadhan everyone! May Allah bless our days.

Yep. It is the first day in Ramadhan and Alhamdulillah I did it well. I waited Maghrib by packing my old books in cardboards and absolutely spending most of my time by watching film.

That’s all. I have nothing to say anyway. I'm out of words.

Here is my photo wearing jilbab. Don't know why I posted this photo, but at least it makes this writing a little bit filled. 

Monday, June 8, 2015

8. Quality Time- AW

Posted by Unknown at 10:13 PM 0 comments
Hello! I feel satisfied today.

Even last tonight I couldn’t have enough sleep because of working for Sherlyn’s birthday present, at least she and Hana treated me and my friends this afternoon. AW is our decision for lunch today. And this is my first time here!

We ordered spicy chicken, soup, and root beer. The root beer felt so strange, but I could enjoy it. The worst thing is the soup. Ewwwh... It contained a lot of tomato pieces. One of the most disguisting things in my life. Every time I smelled it, I tried to bear myself from vomitting.

The chicken and ice cream were so delicious. And we enjoyed our quality time here!

This is us.

Say cheese!

Guess which one is me?

Review: Sensasi Berbeda Pada "Insidious: Chapter 3"

Posted by Unknown at 8:48 PM 0 comments
"Insidious: Chapter 3" mungkin menjadi salah satu  film yang dinantikan oleh para penggemar film horor di berbagai belahan dunia yang baru dirilis pada 5 Juni 2015. Film ini merupakan prekuel yang berlatar belakang cerita sebelum kejadian dua film sebelumnya terjadi.

Poster "Insidious: Chapter 3". Sumber:

Quinn Brenner, seorang wanita remaja yang berusaha melakukan kontak dengan arwah ibunya yang sudah meninggal. Namun, sosok yang Ia duga sebagai ibunya justru sesuatu yang jahat yang ingin meminta sesuatu darinya. “The Man Who Can’t Breathe”, begitulah panggilannya. Ia memakai masker untuk membantunya bernafas. Kehadirannya meninggalkan jejak kaki dengan cairan hitam kental. Berbeda dengan iblis lain seperti “Bride In Black” yang mengincar tubuh untuk membuatnya kembali hidup, Ia justru ingin membuat Quinn menyeberang ke dunianya untuk menemaninya. Cara yang digunakannya yakni dengan berusaha membunuh Quinn. Mulai dengan kecelakaan yang dialami Quinn hingga membuat kondisi tubuhnya semakin memburuk. Pada akhirnya, keluarga ini meminta bantuan pada seorang cenayang, Elise Reiner yang diperankan oleh Lin Shaye.

Dikisahkan pula awal mula bagaimana Elise dan sepasang pemburu hantu, Specs dan Tucker ini mulai bekerja sama.

Apakah film ini benar-benar mengobati rasa rindu saya akan Insidious?

Jawabannya, ya benar. Namun, tidak untuk membuat saya cukup puas. Mungkin dengan adanya James Wan yang tidak lagi mengambil bagian menjadi sutradara membuat film ini sedikit berbeda. Suasana yang ada berbeda dengan dua film sebelumnya, ditambah pula dengan sudut pengambilan gambar yang bisa dikategorikan cukup bagus, namun tidak secemerlang dahulu. Cerita yang dihadirkan pun dapat mudah ditebak dan tidak ada plot twist yang memukau. Sebagian besar durasi menampakkan iblis yang selalu mengincar Quinn, sehingga film ini lebih sering mengagetkan penonton daripada membuat cerita yang membuat penonton memutar otak untuk menebak yang akan terjadi.

Film ini terasa sedikit hambar karena menampilkan adegan yang itu-itu saja, untungnya pada sekitar durasi ke 60 menit Specs dan Tucker hadir memberikan bumbu humor yang sejuk.

Aspek menonjol yang membedakan film ini dan film sebelumnya adalah banyaknya urusan emosi yang terlibat di dalamnya. Contohnya saja adanya ketertarikan antara Quinn dan tetangganya, lalu Quinn yang berusaha melakukan dengan ibunya, dan juga Elise yang merindukan sosok Jake, suaminya yang meninggal bunuh diri.

Akting para pemain masih sangat memukau seperti biasanya. Meskipun terdapat beberapa kekurangan, secara keseluruhan, film ini patut mendapatkan apresiasi sehingga patut ditonton oleh para pecinta film horor.

7. A Cute Anime Character

Posted by Unknown at 8:15 PM 0 comments
Hi! What a great day.

Honestly, this writing should be posted on the day before yesterday, but bad internet connection made me did’t blog for two days. So, what’s going on? I decided to stay at home rather than go to school ‘cause I feel really tired. And I think it’s not a big deal for it.

As usual, I spend my time to watch anime. I have many animes and somehow I chose Noragami. It is a story about a God, Yato, he is a War God exactly. It has a good plot and I love the visual character.

It really made my day! Kyaaaaaa!

Why? Beside this anime makes me laughed so hard, I also have my favourite character here. His name is Yukine. And Sekki is his name when turning as Shinki. Look! He is really really really CUUUUUTE! Can I hug you, huh?  >.<

Yukine kawaii >.<

If he turns into a high school boy, he must be my crush right now. Lol, I’m a girl in love. By the way, what does make him look special for me? Can you see? He always wears jacket and sometimes hoodie. I mean, I like a boy in jacket. Make him has a different charisma. It is kind of my type! >.<

Here are some photos of Yukine-kun!

That's all. Waiting for Noragami season 2!

Friday, June 5, 2015

6. Koala Kumal

Posted by Unknown at 10:24 PM 0 comments

Jadi ceritanya kali ini pakai Bahasa Indonesia aja berhubung ini detik-detik menjelang tidur jadi rada merem melek gitu kalo mantengin laptop. Tapi maksain diri buat nulis padahal malam ini begitu dingin. Ehm.

Pengennya pake Bahasa Inggris kayak biasanya, itung-itung ngelatih grammar gue biar makin bener. Tapi, mungkin kurang pas aja kalo pake bule2an di postingan kali ini.

Bahasanya pakai ‘gue-lo’ biar enteng didengernya. Ya, mungkin kalian udah tahu pembicaraan ini arahnya bakal kemana. Tapi, please, gue gak akan bahas hewan yang ada di pikiran lo sekarang.

Kalo lo gue tanyain author Indonesia yang nulis buku isinya kayak diary cewek dengan serentetan cerita absurd, judulnya isi kebun binatang semua, dan identik dengan kegagalan dalam percintaan, pasti kalian bisa nebak. Ya, kan? Gue harap gitu.

Raditya Dika.

Udah tahu kan? Ya haruslah. Jadi, kenapa gue kasih judul postingan ini pakai judul buku Dika? Apakah gue bakal buat review? Nggak, gue males. Gue cuma pengen kasih kesan yang gue rasain mengenai buku ini. Anggep aja cuma curcolan abege.

4 Juni kemarin selesai UKK dan kebetulan udah kelar nonton Insidious chapter 3, jadi gue putusin buat menggunakan hari kedua setelah lepas dari masa-masa sulit itu buat baca buku ini seharian.

Ijo. Full ijo. Ini adalah momen langka karena yang gue tahu tiap menyambangi toko, cover buku-buku karya Dika selalu penuh gambar, tapi kali ini simple, namun catchcy. Unyu gitu ada koalanya.

Cukup di situ aja ngomongin soal cover.

Ini adalah buku pertama Dika yang gue baca walaupun gue udah tau dia lama dari dulu. Mulai dari nonton video absurdnya di youtube, juga Malam Minggu Miko, ditambah gue juga follow twitternya, tapi belum ada momen yang bikin gue ditakdirkan baca bukunya gitu. Dan tiba di saat sepupu nawarin buat saling pinjem-pinjeman buku. Dia pinjemin dua buku Dika dan gue minjemin satu buku Agatha Cristie. Agak kontras, sih. Ehm. Lupain.

Berhubung ini bukan saat pertama gue tau sosok Dika, jadi udah cukup tau model komedi ala Dika.

Lucu pokoknya. Iya, lucu.

Udah gitu aja. Udah malem.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

5. I'm so Done!

Posted by Unknown at 10:25 PM 0 comments
Hey hooo! How’s your day? May it went better then yesterday.

It was really such a great day. Guess what? Yeah, finally, I finished the test. Yaaaaay!

The special thing, um, not special actually, maybe I just wanted to make my last test felt a little bit different. 

So... I took an action by being the first who submitted the test. Lol. The class was surprised and yelled at me like “Wow, athletic!”. It was really sarcastic ‘cause everyone who can see knows that I’m the weakest and always be the last in running.

Wish me luck! I pray the best for my score.

 After this test I’ll have abou one month holiday. Great! So, here is the list about ‘what to do’ for this holiday:
1.      Sleeping. Yeah, I’m zuper sleepy. I need more rest to maintain my energy. Lol.
2.      Watching anime and film. Maybe it will spend much time for this activity. I’ll spend the most  for anime ‘cause there are many tittles that I haven’t done yet.
3.      Daydreaming. I have feeling that I’ll spend my time by doing it even I don’t do it purposely.
4.      Drawing. My first goal is to finish Kirishima Ayato fanart that actually I’ve started it on March but I haven’t had a nice mood to finish it. I’m looking forward about how it will look like. I’ll post in this blog one day.
5.      Blogging. As a beginner I would like to post many things and improve my writing skill and also try to increase the number of visitors. Actually, I can make it popular by telling it to my friends but I feel so shy If someone who know me reading the posts in this blog. Maybe someday I’ll tell to them.
6.      Reading. I’ll read three books on this holiday. Two of them are Raditya Dika’s books, they are “Babi Ngesot” and “Koala Kumal” and the last one is “Kiki Strike” from Kirsten Miller. If the books are good enough I’ll give my respons by writing it as an review through this blog. Beside that books, I mean If I need more story, I’ll try to read series of “Harry Potter”. They are on digital form. I copied them from my close friend who is a fan of HP.
7.      Studying for university test selection. I’m not sure I’ll make it or not to pass the selection with my high school scores. Whatever. I’ll try my best on test selection.
8.      Unexpected activy, huh?

Yeah, maybe I’ll do it all or maybe just four of them, or three of them, two, or even one maybe. But, I can’t promise for number 7. I really want, but it still depends on my mood. Okay, let’s see soon. Who knows that I’ll be more diligent? Lol.

That’s all. Good night everyone!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Tanpa Sebab

Posted by Unknown at 6:34 PM 0 comments

Seringkali hujan turun tanpa sebab. Tak ada tanda-tanda. Turun begitu saja bahkan ketika tidak ada mendung yang menyelimuti.

Begitulah aku. Kadang aku menangis tanpa sebab padahal ketika aku begitu ingin tetapi justru tak bisa. Aneh dan sedikit menakutkan terkadang. Tidak ada sesuatu yang memaksaku untuk menangis, namun rasanya pilu.

Dijatuhkan sekeras-kerasnya ke tanah. Mungkin semacam itulah rasanya.

Bisa saja karena hati kecilku sudah mulai lelah bahkan tanpa aku sadari.

Salahku sendiri yang membuat pikiranku selalu tersiksa.

Salahku sendiri yang tak mau berbagi luka.

Lucu ketika raga memberontak tiba-tiba dalam wujud tangisan. Seakan berusaha mengobati jiwa yang lambat laun mulai rubuh. Jatuh. Sendirian.

Apakah Tuhan tengah menghukumku?

Aku tak tahu apa yang menyebabkan Tuhan menempatkanku pada posisi ini. Kuharap Ia punya cukup alasan untuk itu.

4. I Hate Cheating

Posted by Unknown at 5:51 PM 0 comments

Hello June?
What’s happened on June? It just such unusual thing when I checked my social media and found a lot of people saying ‘hi’ for it.
For me, there’s no special thing about June so far. Except Insidious chapter 3 that will be released soon in cinema soon. Yay! And also a lot of test that drives me dizzy. Yeah, I’m in my test week. It is really horrible. I feel that Im not a person I used to be. Cheating is not my habit anymore. Honestly I hate everyone who cheats during the test. But, now I hate myself.
I blame myself and the people around the place where I sit. I wanna be sportive but my friends push me a lot to cheat.
That’s all. May next year I’ll have a good seat and good people around me. Be sportive everyone!

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